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Article Details

Scottish Languages Review issue 35

Author: Hannah Doughty, SCILT

This issue, the last under the current editor Dr Hannah Doughty, has contributions from a diverse range of authors.

Within Scotland, Rebecca Colquhoun has built on the survey conducted by Murray in Issue 33. She conducted another survey with different staff and pupils on their views about the Scottish Government’s 1+2 language policy, complemented by interviews in one local authority. Her findings raise concerns about the long-term sustainability of the 1+2 policy. On the other side of the globe, Renee Gilgen is concerned about the impact of British colonisation on New Zealand’s teachers of Maori. Her article and findings will resonate in particular with EAL and community language teachers.

Returning to the Scottish context, Xingyuan Niu and Ilene McCartney provide us with welcome insights into their respective professional enquiries. The former sought to make the teaching of Chinese characters more effective and enjoyable; the latter wanted to meet the diverse needs of her multi-composite class. In the European context, Magda Maver reports on her action research project between students in Croatia and Iceland, using new media to increase motivation to learn English.

Call for papers for our next edition

We are interested in submissions that consider any aspects of language learning/teaching or language policy, in Scotland or in other parts of the world. The SLR is read by linguists and educational stakeholders in many countries, not just Scotland, so your article can really have an impact!

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