Author: Clare Mouat, SCILT
‘Family learning is a powerful method of engagement and learning which can foster positive attitudes towards life-long learning, promote socio-economic resilience and challenge educational disadvantage’ (Family Learning Network, 2016).
Parental engagement is not only a vital part of children’s and young people’s learning, it is also recognised as a powerful lever for raising achievement in schools. In our case studies focusing on parental and community engagement, read how schools have adopted a variety of creative approaches to support families and the wider community to be involved and engaged in their children’s language learning.
In the ‘Wee famille’ project, Springside Primary collaborated with partners from SCILT and North Ayrshire Council to engage the whole school community in learning French alongside pupils. Resources developed for the project are available to download as part of the case study.

In the ‘French for families’ case study, read about the collaboration between Fife Council and PowerLanguage to develop and pilot an online course for children and their families in nine primary schools.
Through a series of well-planned and focused BOATS days (Bring Our Adults To School), St Winning’s Primary in North Ayrshire have successfully achieved a high level of parental engagement in language learning. To facilitate the development of learners’ skills, St Winning’s also opted to take language learning beyond school, collaborating with partners from Lingo Flamingo to strengthen links with the local community. Read the case study on our website.
If you are interested in sharing your local authority’s approach to parental engagement and family learning, or would like to find out how SCILT can help you develop opportunities in this area, please get in touch with Clare Mouat.