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Boost language learning and attainment in your school – host a Language Assistant

Author: Liz Neil, British Council Scotland

There is still time to request a Modern Language Assistant (MLA) for academic year 2019-20. As you plan and prepare lessons for next term, British Council would like to share with you the benefits that an MLA could bring to your professional practise, your classroom and your school.

British Council MLAs are native speakers of French, Spanish, German, Italian, Mandarin and Irish, and come from 14 partner countries across the world. They are keen to bring knowledge of their culture and language into your classroom, helping to make your learners more socially conscious.

In addition to local authorities making a block request for language assistants within their schools, the programme is available to individual schools and clusters. If your local authority is not requesting language assistants, you can still request an assistant for your school or for a cluster of schools in your area. British Council encourage schools and local authorities to think creatively in how they use and allocate their language assistants to get the maximum benefit and can offer advice and guidance to individual schools, clusters and authorities.

For more ways MLAs can be of use to pupils in your school, as well as information on costs and support, please download Host an MLA Scotland 2019.

To find out more, or to request a language assistant for your school, visit the British Council website or contact Gerry McIntosh.

Please note, there is still time to request an MLA for all languages except Mandarin.

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