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Student visits to Aberdeen City Council’s schools

Author: Marie-Claire Lyon, Aberdeen City Council

German Educational Trainees’ fairy tale competition

Annabel Christ and Felix Pollotzek, two German Educational Trainees placed in Aberdeen City Council’s primary and secondary schools, organised a German fairy tale competition. They worked with P5 to P7 pupils developing literacy skills in listening, talking, reading and writing. They produced posters and mini-books and performed songs and a short drama performance.

The pupils in schools were awarded certificates to celebrate their work.

Grenoble University teacher trainees

In February and April 2019, students from the “espe Grenoble – Chambéry” visited Aberdeen schools to gain an insight into the Scottish education system. They were able to observe colleagues and support language classes in primary and secondary schools. They delivered presentations about their home area and French cultural events. The group visiting in February spent a day at Aberdeen University School of Education and participated in workshops with fellow Scottish student teachers.

Aberdeen University language students’ placements

Between January and March 2019, language students from Aberdeen University took part in 10-week placements, visiting primary schools for one half day per week. This is the fourth year that the partnership has been in place and the experience is valuable for pupils and teachers. It also allows the students to gain work experience. The programme has extended to secondary schools this year.

The feedback received from schools was very positive. The students help to increase the motivation of pupils and boost staff confidence.

CLPL programme

The 1+2 Languages Professional Learning Programme is now well established and offers a series of twilight training sessions in language and methodology for primary teachers. Teachers may opt in for workshops and classes or schools may choose whole staff sessions. These have proven to be successful since they reach new teachers and are an opportunity for all to get an update on developments.

We are planning the calendar for 2019-20 and will focus on support to secondary schools and transition from P7 to S1.

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