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Professional learning at a distance delivers

Author: Lynne Jones, SCILT

Unsurprisingly perhaps, the innovative distance learning programme offered in partnership between The Open University and SCILT has been able to continue with only minor alterations through the period of lockdown.

Flexibility in the assessment requirements and the granting of longer extensions have meant that retention of the teachers studying on both the beginners and post-beginners courses of the Teachers Learning to Teach Languages (TELT) has been high. Consequently, the quality of the learning demonstrated on the unit forum and in the online tutorials was even more impressive than anticipated.

As one of the Pedagogy Tutors recently explained in an email: “Can I just say how delighted I am to see so many of our teachers over the two year groups put so much effort into their application tasks and professional recognition tasks. They are a credit to themselves and I'm proud of their commitment and effort even during this difficult period.”

The popularity of virtual professional learning has exploded this year. With the Open University having recently celebrated 50 years of distance learning, SCILT is lucky to be working with the best possible partner in the online education business on the TELT programme.

The programme aims to increase language teaching capacity in primary schools. Students simultaneously learn a new language and the practical skills to teach that language in the classroom. The language strand is offered in four languages – French, German, Mandarin and Spanish, and at two levels – beginner and post-beginner. Language tutors are native or near-native speakers of the target language. The pedagogy strand covers a diverse range of teaching approaches including cultural contexts, interdisciplinary and outdoor learning. Pedagogy tutors are experienced primary teachers and have either been involved in designing TELT or are TELT alumni.

Registration for the new intake is open until 4 September 2020. Please share this information with the primary teachers, or secondary teachers with a remit to support primary languages, in your authority. There is a charge of £250 for the programme and most Scottish teachers on the programme are sponsored by their local authority. Find all the information about the course and funding options on The Open University website.

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