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Summer School suspended

Author: Lynne Jones, SCILT

The 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme has been an important feature of the SCILT professional learning calendar for the past six years. During that time, we have welcomed over 250 teachers from 32 local authorities and granted over 60 Professional Recognition awards. Numerous language education experts, curriculum leaders and lead practitioners have shared their knowledge and experiences. Programme participants have developed their practice and their professional networks.

However, this year, due to COVID-19, by late March it became obvious that we would have to suspend the next cohort, due to join us at the Summer School planned for 29 June – 2 July 2020. We have collected feedback from everyone who applied for a place on the 2020-21 cohort on what, how, where and when they would prefer to engage in the new incarnation of the Languages Leadership Programme. We are confident that the next incarnation of the programme will be a different – but no less valuable – professional learning experience.

In the coming months, details of how you can participate in new languages leadership development opportunities will be publicised through SCILT and Education Scotland communications. In the meantime, if you have any thoughts or ideas to share, please email SCILT, putting LLP in the subject line.

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