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Keeping 1+2 ‘alive’ during lockdown

Author: Kate Findlater, West Lothian

Being thrown into online learning has raised challenges for many teachers. However, our 1+2 Team has been trying to keep the profile of languages high in many ways. Between home schooling, hub working and designing lessons for our pupils, it has been a learning curve for most.

In West Lothian, we have been busy posting weekly challenges on Twitter. So far, we have shared a Sway newsletter informing students, parents and more about all things Spanish! Songs have been uploaded and every week we are finding ways to share our enthusiasm. Different languages have been fired into the spotlight – celebrating Spanish, French, German, Gaelic and many more!

In addition, we are in a fortunate position that our local authority has purchased the online resource, Linguascope, for many of our schools. One of our team made a fantastic video on how to use the resource and our teachers have been sharing games and posting activities using Teams and school websites.

P7/S1 transition activities continue online and some of our teachers have been delivering e-Sgoil lessons, which are proving to be popular! Our clusters have been meeting remotely and have prepared an action plan for the forthcoming session so that we are all clear about the journey ahead. Lead learners also completed a West Lothian survey regarding the implementation of 1+2 so that the data can be analysed and any gaps addressed before August. Online training is also continuing to allow teachers to upskill, share key resources and ask questions.

As we move ahead, thinking about the new blended approach to teaching and learning, we do feel that we are in a very good place to take ‘Language learning: A 1+2 approach’ forward, and we are ready and waiting to meet these new challenges.

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