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Aberdeen City update

Author: Marie-Claire Lyon, Aberdeen City

Aberdeen City Council has adapted to the new way of working and we are now communicating with colleagues online.

Our CLPL programme is delivered via Google classroom and online meetings. The numbers may not be as high as previously, but we have been encouraged by the enthusiasm in primary schools where they have found innovative ways of delivering L2 and L3. Some teachers have been redeployed in their school to allow for flexibility and they have managed to include language learning in outdoor activities or in the classroom.

In collaboration with our colleagues from Aberdeen School for the Deaf we have delivered a BSL workshop.

The Secondary Modern Languages Network still meets termly and teachers can access a Google classroom where they share documents and resources.

Many have attended national SCILT and Education Scotland webinars.

Aberdeen University students are delivering their Language Ambassadors’ programme to secondary language departments online this year. They have pre-recorded presentation videos with a follow up Q&A session for interested schools. The scheme has been well-received by teachers and pupils.

We are hoping to be able to resume more face-to-face meetings in the future. However, this period is allowing us to plan for the delivery of CLPL for languages post 2021.

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