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Polish as an L3

Author: Karen Faulds, SCILT

In collaboration with the Polish Social and Educational Society in Glasgow and the Polish Consulate in Edinburgh, SCILT has developed a resource to support teachers in the primary classroom to teach Polish as an L3. The ‘Ten Steps to Polish’ L3 programme has been developed and designed to provide a rich language and cultural learning experience for pupils in the upper primary. The comprehensive ‘Ten Steps to Polish’ handbook resource has been created for teachers, by teachers, and includes:

  • 10 lessons each with a descriptor
  • vocabulary lists with embedded sound files to support pronunciation
  • example dialogues to accompany each lesson
  • pupil language passport for self-assessment
  • framework of progression with links to suggested resources

The ‘Ten Steps to Polish’ handbook will feature in the Primary Classroom Resources section of the SCILT website and will be available to all practitioners. It is a useful tool for those wishing to begin implementing Polish as an L3 in the new session and beyond. In addition to the publication of the handbook, a series of Polish classes for teachers will run in the new term to support teachers with a basic knowledge and understanding of Polish language. These classes will be organised and delivered by the Polish Social and Educational Society in Glasgow, with SCILT providing an administrative role. Registration for classes is now open and will remain so in June. Classes are scheduled to begin in August and will be delivered over a period of eight weeks. They will be taught online by a native Polish speaker and a class teacher, some of whom have been involved in the programme’s design from the start. We hope the classes and handbook will equip teachers with the necessary tools to deliver Polish as an L3 in their school setting.


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