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LFEE Europe and PowerLanguage update

Author: Richard Tallaron, LFEE Europe and PowerLanguage

GTCS-accredited online course for registered secondary teachers

In light of the continuing Covid crisis and in consultation with GTCS, we are delighted to offer our regular three-week immersion courses as an online alternative. The French and Spanish courses started in April and will finish in June 2021 when the 40 participants will meet the GTCS requirements for residency.

Immersion courses in France and Spain

We are planning to run our immersion courses again from this autumn, with Scottish teachers able to attend courses in France and Spain in October 2021, April 2022 and the summer of 2022. More information will go out soon to registered schools and local authorities. This is potentially our last series of courses under Erasmus+ for Scottish teachers.

PowerLanguage news

Language and methodology training for teachers in Fife, Pan-Tayside and Falkirk Council

Teachers in these local authorities will soon be embarking on an exciting language learning journey in French, German or Spanish with a mixture of online and live language lessons from the PowerLanguage team. Teachers across Fife Council have already successfully pioneered this programme.

Teachers also have access to some live and recorded online methodology/pedagogy sessions linked to the teaching of languages in primary and secondary schools.

We have launched “stand-alone” Resource Packs for teachers or schools who wish to purchase content-led language teaching and learning resources specifically adapted to a CLIL/soft-CLIL methodology. More information, including pricing, is available on the PowerLanguage for Schools website.

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