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Education Scotland update

Author: Shona Hugh, Education Scotland

In 2015 Education Scotland produced further guidance on L3; Experiences and Outcomes at first level and senior phase case studies (linking the 1+2 approach to uptake in senior phase). We also added a review of another pilot school; published a revised version of modern languages Principles and Practice taking into account the 1+2 approach; and, just hot off the press, a revised format of ‘Assessing Progress and Achievement in modern languages’. These can all be access from the Education Scotland website.

Coming soon: Guidance on progression from first to second level; case studies of L3 in the primary and secondary context and in addition Education Scotland will host an annual conference for development officers in May.

As far as professional learning is concerned, Education Scotland has two further Glow TV events scheduled for 27 January and 16 March 2016. You can also watch the Glow TV event from 18 November, '1+2 - an update'.

Information and resources will continue to be shared on the Education Scotland professional learning home page on Glow including the slides from the Glow TV events. Other professional learning opportunities will be through engagements with local authorities, COALA and SALT as well as supporting SCILT with outreach events and the Train the Trainer course.

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