Author: Lynne Jones, SCILT
SAVE THE DATE! Train the Trainer summer school will be taking place from Monday 27 June to Friday 1 July 2016 at the University of Strathclyde city centre campus in Glasgow. If you have, or aspire to have, a responsibility for primary languages in your local authority then you will be interested in attending this extended professional learning opportunity. Hosted by Education Scotland and SCILT, this course can lead to Professional Recognition for Leading Learning in Languages from GTCS.
According to previous Train the Trainer participants the course is ‘informative’, ‘practical’ and ‘all excellent’.
The course will include plenty of opportunity for discussion around strategies for implementing ‘Language Learning in Scotland: A 1+2 approach’ and will encourage you to develop your own professional learning programmes so you can support teachers in your local authority.
Registration details will be coming to local authorities soon. If you think you could benefit from becoming a Train the Trainer participant, please talk to the key languages people in your area. Discuss with them how you could best capitalise on this professional learning opportunity to make the maximum impact on teachers and learners.

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