Author: Deborah Masson, Aberdeenshire Council
We have seen momentum gaining in the strategic planning for and implementation of ‘Language learning in Scotland: A 1+2 approach’ in Aberdeenshire over the last year. Through awareness raising, engagement events and CLPL opportunities, we have seen the profile of the initiative raised in professional dialogue at school and cluster level. Our strategic implementation group has a wide membership which ensures the voices of all stakeholders are heard.
The secondary curriculum seminar significantly moved thinking forward this session. Secondary principal teachers and their senior leadership link were invited to attend. Secondary colleagues heard about national developments and expectations from SCILT and Education Scotland. Facilitated discussion groups focused on key reflective questions and directed time allowed school and department planning to move forward.
Feedback indicates that the event was useful in developing a mutual and shared understanding of requirements, expectations and the way ahead for schools in their collaboration with primary schools:
- As a DHT, [the seminar] gave me a clearer picture of where we are in Aberdeenshire and the important need to work closely with our cluster
- Wide range of individuals available for consultation was very effective
- Good opportunity to discuss as a faculty head/depute head how we will take this forward
- Very useful to have PT/DHT brought together to discuss curricular matters
- Genuinely thought it a very productive morning. Discussions were a good length and significant time was given to groups
Some of the next steps identified from the session included:
- Ensure our transition planning in L2 is secure
- Plan how we implement our L3 experience in S1-3 in a meaningful, sustainable way
- Put the planning tool to the faculty and use inservice time to work out detail to be implemented in session 2018-19
- Continue with cluster development and refine our current provision
- Further develop links with cluster, actively engage with primary colleagues and discussions with Senior Leadership Team
- Review current S1-S3 courses to offer appropriate progression from P7
- Look at transition from P7-S1
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