Author: Marie-Claire Lyon, Aberdeen City Council
During the spring term, a group of primary school teachers have been attending language classes to train in L2 French and Chinese. The classes are delivered by secondary colleagues and aimed at beginners. We intend to continue the programme during the next school session.
We have been working in partnership with colleagues from the School of Language and Literature at Aberdeen University and put into place a programme of Language Ambassadors to primary schools. The volunteers, fourth year language students in French, German and Spanish spent half a day per week in a city primary school. The programme included eight visits for each student and was very well received by teachers as well as being enjoyed by pupils. The participants will receive a certificate of completion and we are presently discussing plans for the session 2016-17.
The working relationship with our partner local authority of Clermont-Ferrand in France has been strengthening and a delegation including a primary head teacher and teacher from Aberdeen visited their link schools in March. This followed a previous visit by French colleagues when projects were discussed.
The primary schools in the cluster group learning Chinese have established links with schools in Wuhan, China and pupils are involved in exchanges of correspondence and e-linking.
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