Author: Julie-Anne Mackenzie, SCILT
On 1 March 2016, language leaders, lead teachers and class teachers gathered in Inverary for a day of engagement with the 1+2 Approach. The event was organised by Gwen McCrossan, Co-ordinator of 1+2 Languages for Argyll and Bute, who secured keynote speeches from LFEE’s Richard Tallaron, Louise Glen, Senior Education Officer at Education Scotland, and SCILT’s own Director, Fhiona Fisher. This was followed by a series of workshops which included looking at whole school strategy and resources for the delivery of languages.
It was a great chance for teachers to get together, share expertise and address some of the challenges facing them in their own local context. Since the conference, Gwen has received valuable feedback from participants which will help to make informed decisions about how best to support schools across the authority in taking forward the 1+2 Approach. This will include a focus on offering managers support in implementing whole school strategic planning as well as providing linguistic training and support for practitioners.

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