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Updates from LFEE Europe

Author: Richard Tallaron, LFEE Europe

‘Noël’ is upon us already and you will see in the photo that it was celebrated in style along with two of the Pan-Tayside development officers and a group of buzzing primary teachers. Storytelling, a Christmas quiz and plenty of games and songs kept us warm on a cold evening in Perthshire!

Immersion courses

We have released our new immersion course dates for 2017-2018 on our website. Successful candidates receive funding from British Council which covers travel expenses, subsistence, accommodation and the course fee. GTCS certification is also available through our courses.

NEW! For those of you who have attended our course in Salignac and/or Lyon, we are launching a new follow-up course in Avignon. If you want to dance Sur le Pont with us, or are interested in courses in Malaga, please pre-book with us as soon as possible. Places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. If your school applied for Erasmus+ funding before, the process should be much easier this year!

Primary Language Learning (PLL) training

On top of our usual PLL training programme for primary teachers, we have developed a new early years course, working in partnership with Highland Council. Please contact us for further information, including cost.

Et puis, joyeux Noël et meilleurs voeux pour 2017!

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