Author: Marie-Claire Lyon, Aberdeen City
The 1+2 Modern Languages team at Aberdeen City Council are using Abernet, the education homepage, as a means of communication with schools. They have their own area to publicise news. The Glow languages area has been updated and teachers can access primary and secondary resources, lesson planners with audio files and teaching materials.
The 2016-17 programmes for teachers’ training in language and methodology is underway and includes sessions delivered centrally as well as to schools and clusters.
On 14 February 2017, ‘Aberdeen Learning Festival’ (ALF) will be held at AECC and there will be opportunities to attend information workshops on 1+2 Modern Languages developments at sessions run by SCILT and Aberdeen City Council curriculum team.
The School of Language at Aberdeen University has been working this year again with Aberdeen schools. Student Language Ambassadors visited S2 and S3 classes in October to talk about their year abroad and highlight the benefits of studying languages.
Fourth year language students will go on a 10-week, half-day placement to support the delivery of languages in primary schools next term. They will be joined by volunteers from the Erasmus+ programme. The group is very enthusiastic and looking forward to the experience.

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