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A selection of language-related news. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.

Le Mois de la Francophonie en Écosse

4 February 2025 (Institut français)

March is round the corner and so is “Le Mois de la Francophonie en Écosse”!

The “francophonie” refers to men and women who share a common language: French, a language spoken by over 300 million people on 5 continents. The 93 members of the Organisation Internationale de la francophonie (OIF) celebrate the French language they share and the cultural, linguistic diversity they represent, the values they have in common - promoting peace, democracy and human rights – as well as support education, training and gender equality.

The 2025 celebration of Francophonie will take place during the whole month of March at the Institut français d’Écosse with an eclectic and exciting programme of francophone cinema, talks, music, students drama performances and more. Come and celebrate “la francophonie” with us and our partners!

Visit the Institut français d'Écosse website for full programme details.


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