
Language-related events in Scotland and beyond. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.

Information webinar: Open University primary languages programme TELT for primary teachers keen to learn a new language and teach it in their classrooms

Venue: Online
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Event Date: 11/06/2024 15:45 - 16:45

This 60-minute online event will introduce interested primary teachers to the online primary languages programme 'Teachers Learning to Teach Languages (TELT)' delivered by the Open University from October 2024 to June 2025, where teachers can study one of four languages from scratch, learn how to teach the language they are learning and apply their new skills directly as part of the course.

Participants will learn what the programme has to offer, what is required to succeed in becoming a primary languages teacher and, if they work in Scotland, how to gain professional recognition from the General Teaching Council for Scotland for the study.

Participants will hear about the impact of the study on attitudes and practice of teachers, pupils and the entire school community from OU colleagues and find out how the course enables teachers to collaborate with primary schools across Scotland and Wales through in-programme eTwinning.

In addition, they will learn first-hand about experiences studying the course from former students, in-service primary teachers, who are now working as guest tutors on the programme. The guest tutors will also share how studying this programme has boosted their professional opportunities and employability skills.

We will explain how you can sign up to the programme and different ways in which you can fund your study.

Please visit the website to register by 5 June.

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