
Language-related events in Scotland and beyond. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.

French Day for pupils and teachers at the University of Stirling

Venue: University of Stirling
Contact: Fiona Barclay

Event Date: 13/06/2017 10:00 - 15:30

The French programme at the University of Stirling would like to invite the teachers and senior pupils studying French at schools in the region to attend a special day of lectures and classes at the University on Tuesday 13 June.

Pupils will be able to find out what studying French at university is like, what makes the French programme at Stirling distinctive, and what kinds of careers it will prepare them for. They will also have the opportunity to meet current students and hear about their experiences, particularly of studying abroad.

For teachers, we are offering a bespoke Continued Professional Development session, aimed at supporting them in delivering teaching on contemporary French culture, literature and film, and in assessing pupils’ work in this area. It is focused particularly on the portfolio element of the Advanced Higher.

The day will take place at the University of Stirling’s Pathfoot Building. Provisionally, it will run from 10am-3.30pm, with exact timings to be confirmed. There is no charge for the day, but pupils and teachers should bring a packed lunch.

French at Stirling is highly regarded: we are currently ranked 3rd in Scotland, and in the top 25 in the UK by the Complete University Guide 2017. Our staff are distinguished researchers with international reputations, and Stirling students have excellent prospects: we are 1st in Scotland and 3rd in the UK for graduate employability, with almost 97% of our graduates in employment or further study within six months of graduating (HESA 2016).

Teachers can find out more about the event and register by contacting Fiona Barclay. The deadline for registration is Monday 15 May 2017.
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