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UK-German youth seminar ‘Seas and Oceans’
Posted on August 15 2017
Venue: Hamburg, Germany
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Event Date: 20/10/2017 - 22/10/2017
UK-German Connection und the British Council in Germany are bringing young people together at a youth seminar in Hamburg in October to discuss current challenges and issues around the future of our environment, seas and oceans.
Activities will include an excursion to the mudflats and expert-led workshops on:
- ocean litter – why it matters
- rising sea levels – challenges facing us and our world
- biodiversity / ocean literacy – looking at the impact on our lives and wildlife
There will be a seminar fee of £25 per participant. All other seminar-related costs covered or reimbursed.
The deadline for applications is 7 September 2017.
As participation is open to non-language learners as well as linguists, please feel free to pass this opportunity on to teachers of STEM subjects or Geography where appropriate.
For more information about the seminar and the application process, please visit the website.