
Language-related events in Scotland and beyond. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.

Polish through Art - Online Exhibition Launch

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Event Date: 03/02/2022 14:00 - 15:00

Would you like to know more about a multilingual approach to language learning and how art can act as a vehicle to explore this? Well, we have exciting news to share with you on this subject.

During the last few months, SCILT, in collaboration with Bilingualism Matters, has been working with teachers in mainstream primary schools and Polish complementary schools to investigate a multilingual approach to language learning through the medium of art. This has included exploring a variety of activities to support this such as language portraits, zines, multilingual comic strips and Chagallian idioms. Teachers from the participating schools have been implementing this approach with their pupils through various art activities that exemplify multilingualism as an approach.

Following on from this, we are delighted to announce that the pupils’ work will be featured in an online exhibition which will launch during Languages Week Scotland. You will have the opportunity to hear from pupils, teachers and partners who have participated in this project, in addition to viewing the pupils’ creativity and their artwork.

We very much hope you can join us to celebrate this exciting and innovative approach to language learning.

The event is suitable for practitioners in all sectors, EAL teachers, language leads, development officers and student teachers. Attendance at the event is free of charge and will be hosted on the MS Teams platform.

Register via the link above by Tuesday 1 February.

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