Venue: Online
Event Date: 16/03/2022 16:30 - 18:00
King's College London hosts an annual German A-level Workshop day for A-level or equivalent students interested in studying languages (and specifically German) at university. This has always been a popular, fun, and informative day, and we'd love to invite you, and your students, to this year's event - taking place online, and therefore in a slightly shorter format.
The focus this year will be on the film Goodbye Lenin! and students will be able to participate in two workshops. The first will be hosted by Professor Erica Carter who will work with students specifically on the film, and the second will be a language workshop run by Lisa Banning and inspired by the film. There will be time for questions to both staff and a first year King's student about studying languages at King's and at university more generally. No prior knowledge of the film is required, but this may also be a good opportunity to get students to watch this fun film!
If you could share this event with your students and other interested colleagues, please do! This is the link to join the event: Online (MS Teams). Registration is not required: students and teachers can simply click on the link to join. To get a sense of potential attendee numbers however, if you could fill in this very short form that would be most helpful: