
Language-related events in Scotland and beyond. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.

Glow meet - developing language skills through phonics

Venue: Online Glow Meet
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Event Date: 14/05/2013 16:00

SCILT Professional Learning Community along with Glow TV will be hosting a range of events beginning on Tuesday 14 May at 4.00pm.

This first workshop “Developing Language Skills through Phonics” would be interesting and of benefit to any Modern Languages practitioner, regardless of sector. However, it focuses on teaching younger learners.  The impact that creative use of phonics can have in your classroom; not only in talking, but also in developing other language skill areas will be explored. 

This event is suitable for Early Years, Primary and ASN practitioners.

To sign up please go to our Professional Learning Community mlscilt and look for the SCILT logo advertising the meet in the learn area. There are three documents that you will need to download in advance of the meet in order to fully take part.

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