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34th International Conference of ASELE (the association for the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language) in Edinburgh

Venue: Edinburgh
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Event Date: 16/07/2024 - 20/07/2024

The University of Edinburgh is delighted to host the 34th International Conference of ASELE (the association for the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language), and the 10th conference of ELEUK (UK association for the teaching of Spanish in higher and adult education) from 16 to 20 July 2024. 

Guests of honour: 

  • Rosa Montero (journalist and writer, Premio Nacional de las Letras)
  • Miguel Falomir (Director of the Prado Museum)
  • Luis García Montero (Director of the Cervantes Institute, the international network of Spanish cultural centres) 

Keynote speakers:

  • Asunción Gómez-Pérez (Spanish Royal Academy)
  • Aris Moreno Clemons (University of Tennessee)
  • Francisco Moreno-Fernández (Global Observatory of Spanish Language)

There will be a round table dedicated to perspectives on Spanish as a heritage language in Europe and a symposium on Spanish language teaching in Latin America, with invited speakers from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Peru. During the conference, 136 papers, 35 workshops and 6 posters will be presented. Brazil is the country of honour of the conference, with two plenaries, a large number of delegates, and a jazz concert.

Presentations from participants will cover themes such as the analysis of Artificial Intelligence, inclusion and social justice, linguistic diversity, transmedia literacies and genres, or interdisciplinary perspectives around the integration of cultural, literary and artistic contents in the classroom.

This conference will bring together approximately 300 Spanish teachers from 35 countries and will be a milestone for the Spanish teaching community in the UK.

Spanish language education colleagues from all sectors, secondary, FE and HE are welcome to attend.

Visit the website for the programme and registration details (in Spanish only). 

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