
Language-related events in Scotland and beyond. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.

Glow Meet – gathering evidence and reporting

Venue: Online via Glow
Visit website

Event Date: 21/05/2013 16:00

Join our Glow Meet at 4.00pm on Tuesday the 21st of May.  “Gathering Evidence and Reporting” would be of interest and benefit to secondary Modern Languages practitioners.  To sign up please go to our Professional Learning Community and look for the SCILT logo advertising the Meet in the learn area.  Before joining the "Gathering Evidence" Glow Meet, please make sure you've downloaded the necessary materials and that you have a copy of the Modern Languages Experiences and Outcomes to hand. 

We are looking forward to seeing you there!  Glow username and password required.

This is the second in a series of Glow Meets.  Missed the first GLOW Meet of SCILT’s Summer Series?  Don’t worry, all you need is your GLOW log in to collect the workshop materials from Glow, then you can watch ‘Developing Language Skills Through Phonics’ again on the CONNECT page of the #mlscilt professional learning community.

Go to the Professional Learning Community and look for the adverts in the LEARN area for the remaining Meets of SCILT’s Summer Series:

  • Tuesday 28 May at 4 pm ‘Bringing French to Life through an Interdisciplinary Journey’ (primary/secondary/asn)
  • Tuesday 4 June at 4 pm ‘BGE in Secondary Schools: Don’t Throw the Baby Out with the Bathwater’ (secondary/asn)
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