
Language-related events in Scotland and beyond. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.

SALT Annual Conference 2013 - Promoting Excellence

Venue: University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
Contact: Claire McConnell
Telephone: 0141 444 8417
Visit website

Event Date: 02/11/2013 10:00 - 15:30

The Scottish Association for Language Teaching is holding its annual conference on 2 November, 2013 at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow.

Joe Dale will be keynoting at the conference and presenting our theme "Promoting Excellence" and there will be a wide range of sessions covering language learning from early years to further and higher education. There is a real focus on teaching and learning as well as the chance to get a an update on the bigger picture of languages in Scotland. There will be contributions from speakers directly involved in the development and the role of languages in the curriculum as well as sessions for students and NQTs. The specialist publishers' exhibition, including stands from various language organisations, will form an integral part of the conference.

The programme will include 3 seminar sessions with a range of seminars/workshops in each for delegates to choose from. Please see the brochure for further details:

SALT 2013 Conference Brochure


  1. Credit or debit card – go to the Online Shop for further details, the event is under Conferences and Events – Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty, and follow the instructions for online booking. Please see brochure for further details of seminars. You will need to download the Workshop Choice Sheet and return to Claire McConnell after you’ve booked online (details on form). 
  2. Invoice from University - if you require an invoice you will need to download an Invoice Booking Form. This can be returned to Claire McConnell by fax, mail or email (details on form). You will also need to download the Workshop Choice Sheet and return to Claire McConnell with your invoice booking form.

Early booking is recommended since there are limited places. 

Download the following:

SALT Workshop Choice Sheet 2013 (for all registrations) 
SALT Invoice Booking Form (for those requiring an invoice only)

University of Strathclyde Education Scotland British Council Scotland The Scottish Government
SCILT - Scotlands National centre for Languages