
Language-related events in Scotland and beyond. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.

Workshop for primary teachers of German

Venue: Goethe-Institut, Glasgow
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Event Date: 22/03/2014 09:30 - 13:30

New Materials for Primary German: German with Franzi and Felix.

In this workshop teachers can experience activities for the first German lessons hands-on. They will explore which topics are covered in the new material and how to build on it. Special attention will be paid to methodology and on how to ensure progression with Felix and Franzi can be attained.

New opportunities to introduce a ‘Language 3’ to primary schools in Scotland and encouragement to consolidate German language practice are the context in which these materials and other services will be presented and discussed.

This workshop is suited for experienced colleagues and new or colleagues to-be and will give a taste of how language learning in the Primary can be interesting and fun. The conference language is English.

The event is free of charge. Registration by 6 March.

Book your place by sending an email with your name and school details to:

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