
Language-related events in Scotland and beyond. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.

The professional image and ethos of teachers

Venue: Strasbourg, France
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Event Date: 24/04/2014 - 25/04/2014

In an increasingly complex world in which more or less radical changes take place at all levels of social life, we need to re-think education. The sustainability of the objectives and of the content of education have to be put to the test, teachers’ role, the teaching process and school as a learning organisation must be reoriented.

The conference will highlight the importance of education for preparing our youth for a life as democratic citizens in diverse democratic societies, for their future world of work and for the development of their personality. It will focus in particular on the implications this has for the image and ethos of teaching profession, the competences of teachers and their day-to-day practices. In this context, what is the role of the beliefs of teachers, of parents and of the public in general regarding what education - good education - is and which outcomes it ought to produce? The conference will also discuss a Manifesto for Teachers of the 21st century to serve as inspiration, orientation and guidance for teachers and also for all those concerned by education: children, parents, teachers, schools, (local) authorities, civil society and society as a whole. Last but not least, the conference will explore what future actions can be envisaged to support this change of mind-sets, of policies and practices in cooperation and partnership with all stakeholders.

Further details are available on the Council of Europe website.

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