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Theatre Play: The Physicists
Posted on February 03 2014
Venue: Arts Lecture Theatre, King’s College, University of Aberdeen
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Event Date: 11/03/2014 - 12/02/2014
The renowned German Drama Group of the University of Aberdeen will perform The Physicists, a brilliant play by Friedrich Dürrenmatt. We will take you on a journey to the psychiatric hospital “Les Cerisiers”, run by Fräulein Mathilde von Zahnd. Her most remarkable patients are three physicists: Möbius and two other men who believe they are Newton and Einstein. However, at this sanatorium nothing is as it seems to be and secrets are boiling under the surface.
Come along on 11th or 12th March at 7pm to discover more!
Tickets are £3 for students and £5 for non-students.