
Language-related events in Scotland and beyond. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.

German Teachers' Day

Venue: Goethe-Institut, London
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Event Date: 05/07/2014 10:00 - 16:00

Together with the Association for Language Learning (ALL) we are hosting an unmissable one-day conference for teachers of German.

The day will include seminars, advice and tools for German teaching as well as providing an excellent networking opportunity to exchange tips and project ideas. Tea, coffee and lunch will be provided and in the breaks the Deutsche Bahn and the Jugendherbergen im Rheinland will provide information about their offers and give you the chance to win a trip to Germany. In addition they will offer a field trip to Germany for teachers.

Visit the Goethe-Institut website for more information and to register for the event.

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