Venue: Gleneagles
Contact: Judith McClure
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Event Date: 10/11/2014 10:30 - 15:00
The theme of this year's summit is China and Scotland at Home.
China and Scotland At Home, the Third China Youth Summit at Gleneagles, will celebrate the relationship of friendship, collaboration and mutual understanding between Scotland’s Schools, Colleges, Universities, Professions and Businesses and their alumni and colleagues from China. Three hundred delegates will enjoy a day of lively presentations, networking and delicious food in the incomparable surroundings of Gleneagles.
10.30 am Arrival and Refreshments in the Ballroom
11.00 am Session 1 in the Gleneagles Suite
12.30 pm Networking Lunch in the Strathearn Restaurant
2.00 pm Session 2 in the Gleneagles Suite
3.00 pm Refreshments in the Ballroom and Close of Conference
This Summit is very much suited to Senior Phase pupils. SCEN are also hoping to attract members of the Chinese community in our Schools, Colleges and Universities, alumni from China, and colleagues from China working in our professions and businesses.
There will be great pressure on places, as ever! If you want priority booking, please email Judith McClure as soon as you can. There can only be small delegations from each institution. We are hugely grateful to a very generous donor: this Summit, including all refreshments, is free of charge.
Judith shall also be glad to hear from those who wish to offer elevator presentations of 3-4 minutes in duration, in relation to our central theme.