
Language-related events in Scotland and beyond. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.

China Day at the Zoo - book now!

Venue: Edinburgh Zoo
Contact: Judith McClure
Visit website

Event Date: 03/03/2015

Educators at Edinburgh Zoo are organising another China Day at the Zoo on Tuesday 3 March 2015. This will be a day to visit the Giant Pandas, tour the Zoo and experience some Giant Panda/China-related educational activities. There will be a short 30 minute introduction, and then participants will divide into groups and activities. China Day is principally for Primary 5, 6 and 7 pupils; it may be possible to include some from S1.

This will be very popular, as ever! Please let SCEN convenor, Judith McClure, know now if you wish to book places: more details will then follow. First come, first served! 

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