Venue: Edinburgh
Contact: Sheila Stuart
Visit website
Event Date: 21/02/2015 14:00 - 15:00
Saturday 21 February 2015 is International Tourist Guide Day and professional guides from around the world will run events large and small to celebrate the role of the professional guide and to draw the attention of local authorities, fellow citizens and the media to the quality and value of the work of professional tourist guides.
The Scottish Tourist Guides Association is delighted to be involved in the celebrations and a team of guides holding the coveted 'Blue Badge' and based in the Edinburgh area will be offering hour long free walking tours of the city in the afternoon in Spanish or English.
Anybody wishing to join the fun and learn something new about the capital just needs to send an email to Edinburgh guide Sheila Stuart at
**If you wish to join the Spanish tour, please include this on the email.**
There is a possibility of French and German tours too. Express your interest for those directly to Sheila (contact details below). She will then send details of where to meet the guide.
All tours are starting at 2pm. For more information contact Sheila Stuart on 07765 241166, email her at or visit the website.