
Language-related events in Scotland and beyond. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.

Vive the [R]évolution : Poems in translation

Venue: Institut français, Edinburgh
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Event Date: 06/03/2015 19:00 - 20:30

As part of Vive The [R]évolution : Poems in translation series, Meg Bateman gives a bilingual reading of her poems both in English and in Gaelic.

Gaelic poet Meg Bateman has been bringing new qualities to Gaelic poetry since her first publications in the 1990s. Also writing in English and translating Gaelic poetry into English, she will embrace the Vive The [R]évolution format with a performance based on her poems in English and Gaelic, and will offer her views on languages seen as different mediums for creation.

Posted in: Gaelic
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