
Language-related events in Scotland and beyond. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.

Lapin is too hot - bilingual puppet show on Glow TV

Venue: Online - Glow TV (note Glow login is required)
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Event Date: 18/06/2015 10:00 - 10:30


This exciting Glow TV event includes:

  • A puppet show performance featuring the lovely rabbit and his friend Oiseau
  • A special reading of Lapin’s own book, which introduces children and their teachers to the future bilingual storybook by Le Petit Monde
  • Singing with actions (the ‘Glace’ song, based on the tune of ‘Frère Jacques’)
  • A Q&A session with Tania and Lapin

Tania is a native French puppeteer based in Edinburgh and has set up Le Petit Monde to introduce young children to her language and culture through shows and workshops.

While performing in English herself, Tania’s puppets speak simple French phrases.

Both show and story are in English and French and accessible to all non French speakers and is suitable for 3 to 7 year olds.

Visit the Glow TV website to register for the event (Glow login required).

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