
Language-related events in Scotland and beyond. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.

Royal Society for Asian Affairs' Inaugural Schools' Day for Scotland

Venue: Surgeons' Hall, Nicolson Street, Edinburgh
Contact: Shaun McPhee
Telephone: 07913346611
Visit website

Event Date: 28/10/2015

The Royal Society for Asian Affairs - together with the Scotland China Education Network, the University of Edinburgh and the Confucius Institute for Scotland - would like to invite your school, and in particular your S5 and S6 students, to attend a day of talks about aspects of Asia on Wednesday 28 October 2015.

The aim is to introduce students to subjects and issues they may not have previously explored and which will, we hope, inspire them to take a closer interest in Asia. The conference is open to all in the 16-18 age-group. Those interested in pursuing geography, law, religion, international affairs, social sciences or Asian language pathways may find it particularly relevant. This is the inaugural event in Scotland, building on our long-running and highly successful event in London.

The day is free and lunch is provided. The day will feature a number of speakers, including Mr James Brodie of the China Britain Business Council, and explorer and adventurer Jamie Bunchuk. Career-focused sessions with professionals and language tasters – in Arabic, Chinese, Hindi and Japanese – will also feature.

If you require further information please contact Shaun McPhee of the RSAA by email or phone during normal office hours.

To register, please visit the RSAA website.

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