
Language-related events in Scotland and beyond. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.

Professional Development Workshop, Amiens

Venue: Amiens, France
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Event Date: 18/03/2016 - 20/03/2016

The French National Support Service for eTwinning are organising this workshop for around 40 secondary school teachers in Amiens from 18 - 20 March 2016.

The aim and theme of the workshop is to meet project partners and set up high quality eTwinning projects on the theme "War and peace: History and Remembrance of World War I".

Applications are invited from secondary school teachers (12-16), of any subject, either beginners or experienced in eTwinning, and interested in implementing innovative eTwinning projects on the theme of World War I in their classes.

Visit the website for full details and to apply by noon on Friday 19 February.

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