Venue: University of St Andrews
Contact: Annette Zimmermann
Visit website
Event Date: 17/06/2016 10:00 - 15:00
The School of Modern Languages at the University of St Andrews will be hosting a Languages Open Day for secondary schools on 17 June 2016 (10 am – 3 pm).
Pupils have the opportunity to try out new languages and attend mini–lectures to get a flavour of the different subjects and an idea of what it is like to study Modern Languages at University. There is also the chance to meet undergraduates and teaching staff to ask questions and to take part in an interactive tour of MUSA (Museum of the University of St Andrews) or of St Andrews itself. Please find attached a poster which may help to promote the event at your schools. There is no age limit as such and teachers may wish to bring along pupils who they feel would benefit most from this opportunity.
Please email the School’s Language Development Officer, Annette Zimmermann, for a programme and registration forms. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis and the registration form should be returned by Thursday 5 May 2016.
Visit the website for further information about the university and the language courses it can offer.