
Language-related events in Scotland and beyond. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.

Pedagoo Muckle

Venue: Society M, Glasgow
Visit website

Event Date: 01/10/2016

Pedagoo and TeachMeet are grassroots, not for profit movements that are for teachers by teachers. They aim to encourage educators to learn from each other and share what goes on in real classrooms everyday.

Supported by SCEL and with a slightly different format, #PedagooMuckle aims to support, challenge and encourage participants to go forth and organise their own Pedagoo events, TeachMeets and other collaborative, sharing opportunities for educators.

The morning will involve learning conversations and a muckle TeachMeet with a chance to answer the questions WHY Pedagoo & TeachMeet.

The afternoon session will focus on building a tool kit on HOW to run an event in the future.

If you'd like to lead a conversation and inspire others with your experiences or run a 'how to' session, visit the website to register interest. Or if you just want to be kept informed when registration is open to all, you can do this via the website too. 

So, all you language teachers out there, if you have some great ideas you'd like to share with your peers why not register now?

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