Venue: Arts Lecture Theatre, University of St Andrews
Contact: Annette Zimmermann
Event Date: 16/11/2016 14:00 - 16:00
The School of Modern Languages at the University of St Andrews would like to invite schools to an exciting networking event where pupils can put any questions they may have about language learning, university and living abroad to current Modern Languages students directly, and then continue relaxed, informative conversation over refreshments together.
We would love to welcome pupils from your schools (up to ten S5/S6 pupils per school) regardless of subject background.
Please let us know of your intention to attend by Thursday, 3 November by emailing number of pupils, name(s) of accompanying teacher(s) and of school to (Annette Zimmermann, Language Development Officer, University of St Andrews).
There will also be the opportunity for teachers to meet with staff and undergraduates, to learn more about our courses in Arabic, French, German, Italian, Persian, Russian and Spanish and to share experiences. Promotional posters to help teachers to promote the event to pupils can be made available (see attached).