
Language-related events in Scotland and beyond. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.

CPD workshops for primary school teachers in 2017

Venue: Alliance Française, Glasgow
Visit website

Event Date: 07/02/2017 16:15 - 17:45

The Alliance Française de Glasgow will be running a programme of CLPL workshops in French for primary school teachers:

  • ten topics will be covered over 10 weeks, tailored to the needs of primary school teachers.
  • the programme is suitable as a follow-up to one of Alliance Française Beginners 1 classes or for French teachers in primary schools.
  • a detailed programme is available through the link above, and workshops will be heled from 7 February to 26 April on various days of the week, from 4.15-5.45pm.
  • the cost to attend these 10 workshops is £75/teacher. Please note this is a special fee offered by the Alliance Française Glasgow to promote languages.
  • option to enrol for less than 10 CLPL sessions - please contact us for more information
  • certificates of attendance will be handed out once the programme is completed.
Places are limited so booking early is highly recommended.

If you wish to enrol, please contact or visit the Language Office at the Alliance Française as soon as possible.

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