The following Scots poetry resources can either be be downloaded or linked to, or see the list of websites below which may also be of interest.
Hugh MacDiarmid collection (Scotshoose Yaldi) - poetry in Scots for secondary learners, including The Bonnie Broukit Bairn, added to the Nat 5/Higher Scottish set text list November 2024.
New teaching resources for Scots poetry (Scots Languge Centre) - The Scottish Poetry Library commissioned Secondary teacher Rosie Bircham to produce teaching resources for Scots poetry. The site links to these and other resources for teaching Scots poetry.
Dinnae Mak Me Laugh (Scots in Schools) - collection of funny, silly, pure dead glaikit Scots poems for children.
Classic and new Scots poems (Scotshoose) - selection of poems in Scots for performance and enjoyment.
The Kist (Scots Language Centre) - a collection of Scots texts, including poetry, prose and drama, which are carefully chosen to engage children with language.
Old Tongue (BBC Bitesize) - in this National 5 revision resource of Jackie Kay's poem 'Old Tongue', the former Scots Makar considers the effect of relocation on language and accent and how she misses the evocative words and expressions of her youth.
Dr Wha (4 October 2018, Scottish Poetry Library) In honour of National Poetry Day 2018 on the subject of change, a poem in Scots about Dr Who, someone who frequently changes! As well as the written poem you can also access a spoken version.
Òran nan Clachan : Song of the Stones (28 August 2018, Historic Environment Scotland) Video published on YouTube to help launch the HES Gaelic Language Plan 2018 – 2023. Poem is written in Scots and Gaelic.
Scotland, My Jo (12 September 2017) - Former Scots Makar, Jackie Kay, tells us what being Scotland's Makar means to her followed by a reading of her new poem, an ode to the country of her birth.
Ashet - poem performed by Liz Lochhead with written transcript.
Kidspoem / Bairnsangs - poem by Liz Lochhead written in Scots and English. See a video clip of Liz Lochhead performing her poem.
Nae Fizz Izzy - in this clip from BBC World Service (7 September 2015) new Scots Scriever, Hamish MacDonald, reads his own poem in Scots.
A selection of Scots resources produced by K Lucas and C Stein:
My family (ppt)
Lesson plan - following a pattern - my family (doc)
Weaving words (ppt)
Lesson plan - weaving words (doc)
Scots-English word lists (doc)