
Language-related events in Scotland and beyond. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.

Transitions in Language Learning and Teaching (UK Lingua 2017)

Venue: Durham University
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Event Date: 22/04/2017 - 23/04/2017

Transition may be an over-used word but transitions of one kind or another are central to our experience of learning and of teaching languages: learners move from acquiring isolated words to constructing phrases and sentences, and learn specific transition words to produce longer and more coherent texts, or create effective transitions in presentations and dialogues.

There are transitions within a lesson; between activities, tasks or stages of a project. Major transitions also occur between primary and secondary education, GCSE and A-level, and then on to university; from a period of residence abroad to the final year of a degree course; from the world of education to the world of work, from teacher training to teaching!

The focus of this year’s UK Lingua conference will be “Transitions in Language Learning and Teaching”, understood in the widest sense of the term.

Visit the conference website to find out more and to register.

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