
Language-related events in Scotland and beyond. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.

Scottish Learning Festival 2017

Venue: SEC, Glasgow
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Event Date: 20/09/2017 - 21/09/2017

The Scottish Learning Festival (SLF) is the annual conference and exhibition for the teaching profession in Scotland. Offering a mix of inspirational speakers, professional development seminars and educational resources to try, the 2-day event welcomes teachers and learners from across the country.

The 2017 SLF takes place at the SEC in Glasgow from 20-21 September and is now open for registrations.

Language professionals may find the following seminars of particular interest:
Wednesday 20 September:
  • E-sgoil: A digital solution for Gaelic medium education - Joan Esson, Education Scotland
  • ‘Regardez, écoutez, discutez’ – using short films for language practice - Mike Tait, Dundee Contemporary Arts
Thursday 21 September:
  • Working with Benchmarks for curriculum areas beyond literacy and numeracy (modern languages & Gaelic) - Louise Glen & Maeve MacKinnon, Education Scotland
The full conference programme can be found online. Visit the website for more information.
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