
Language-related events in Scotland and beyond. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.

Fifth Saarbrücken Conference on Foreign Language Teaching

Venue: Germany
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Event Date: 29/10/2019 - 31/10/2019

The theme of the Fifth Saarbrücken Conference on Foreign Language Teaching is productivity in linguistics and language teaching, the productive use of language often being marked by an undeniable magic. This magic does not only consist in the fact that people are capable of understanding each other, provided that they master the same code. It is also true when people talk about things they have never talked about and when new ideas occur to them or when they use notions and words that have not existed before, i.e. when they employ language productively and construct their own world. The relationship between the productivity and the magic of language works on various levels.

Aiming to provide a platform to bring scholars and researchers together for mutual inspiration and idea exchange, we hope we will have the pleasure of your participation in our fifth conference in 2019.

Visit the website or see the attached announcement to find out more about the conference, speakers and to register.

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