
Language-related events in Scotland and beyond. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.

Language, place and identity in children’s bilingualism

Venue: Glasgow
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Event Date: 23/11/2019 12:45 - 15:00

Many people still think that bilingualism makes children confused and puts them at a disadvantage at school. Research, in contrast, shows that knowing another language may give children enhanced metalinguistic and early literacy skills, a better understanding of other people’s points of view, and more mental flexibility in dealing with complex situations.

Professor Antonella Sorace will illustrate these facts through research on bilingual children in both regional minority languages, including Gaelic, and migration languages in Scottish schools. She will also show how the Bilingualism Matters Centre is enabling families, teachers, and policy makers - in Scotland and internationally - to make decisions on bilingualism informed by research.

Visit the website for full programme details and to register for the event.

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