
Language-related events in Scotland and beyond. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.

The Royal Society of Edinburgh Research Workshops - How to Talk About Migrations

Venue: Online

Event Date: 25/02/2021 16:00 - 18:00

Current Academic Research in Migration Studies and its Relevance for School Curriculum in Scotland and Further Afield

Workshop I: Mapping the State of Affairs Between Research and Educational Needs in Scotland

The first in the series of workshops exploring a common interdisciplinary research agenda that would strengthen current curricular provisions regarding the teaching and learning about migration in Scottish educational system and abroad, this event addresses the following two issues: 

A) What is the state-of-affairs when it comes to teaching migrations in schools across Scotland and the UK?  

B) What types of teaching strategies are used in addressing this topic?

The invited speakers from the field of education will discuss the state of affairs and their own experiences when it comes to teaching migrations in schools in order to assess the position of the theme of migration within the larger curriculum/policy, especially the Curriculum for Excellence.  


  1. Dr Mirna Solic, Dr Elwira Grossman, Dr Lavinia Hirsu (University of Glasgow): Welcome and a brief introduction to the project.
  2. Louise Glenn (Education Scotland): How migration features in the curriculum 
  3. Maria Walker (Head of EAL, Glasgow Dyslexia Support Service; Glasgow City Council): Some new approaches to teaching about migration in Glasgow schools.
  4. Jemma Tipping (Principal Teacher, Kings Park Secondary, Glasgow): Migration: where we have been, where are we going.
  5. Dr Kirsten McMullan (English; King’s Park Secondary) Teaching migration through literature: opportunities and missed chances.
  6. Graeme Brown (Depute Headteacher; Dunfermline High School): How/where migration issues are taught in the secondary curriculum.
  7. Geraldine Means (ESOL and Nurture teacher): Does Immersion Risk Desertion of Individual Needs for EAL Learners?
  8. Dr Ingeborg Birnie (Strathclyde University, Scottish Council of Deans of Education and Council of Europe's European Centre of Modern Languages Expert Group member): The National Framework for Languages Supporting Teachers in Understanding and Promoting Linguistic and Cultural Diversity.
  9. Dr Helen Ross (Independent Researcher/secondary school teacher; Wiltshire, England): Where do we slot in? Teaching migration in an English secondary school.

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