
Language-related events in Scotland and beyond. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.

Go Latino! What our Latin-root languages share

Venue: Gosforth Academy, Newcastle
Contact: Claire Dodd
Visit website

Event Date: 27/04/2013 09:30 - 16:00

Day conference for primary and secondary languages.  This conference includes a wide range of themes relevant to teachers of languages which share Latin roots:

  • literacy, grammar, communication, cross curricular learning
  • examples in French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Latin
  • ideas and resources to take away and use in primary or secondary classes
  • time for participants to network and support each other
  • a major input from Joe Dale on the latest in ICT support for the work of language teachers and learners with opportunities for participants to experience hands-on practice

Visit the ALL website or download the attached flyer for more information.

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