
Language-related events in Scotland and beyond. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.

Language World 2022

Venue: Sheffield
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Event Date: 18/03/2022 - 19/03/2022

Language World is the annual conference and training event of the Association for Language Learning. It is a highlight of the year for languages education and attracts hundreds of participants each day from across all sectors of education including primary and secondary schools as well as universities.

The theme of Language World 2022 is “Language learning for social justice”.

For many children and young people, socioeconomic inequity and its impact on remote learning during the Covid-related school closures will have exacerbated the poverty related attainment gap. Even prior to the pandemic, we know from Language Trends and British Council reports (Collen, 2020; Mills & Tinsley, 2020) that boys and disadvantaged learners are least likely to study a language at GCSE.  

In addition, Global migration has increased the number of EAL learners in our schools who need to overcome disadvantage through language education. Social justice is not something that can be brought about by an individual, it needs a community and gatherings such as our conference to make a difference. We invite teachers, teacher educators, and researchers to join us in sharing ideas and best practice on how to encourage uptake at GCSE and beyond through a rich and engaging language curriculum which will improve language education for all and level up opportunities and outcomes for our learners.

Visit the website for more information and to register for the event.

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